Senin, 23 Juli 2012


Longitudinal Oscillations and Sound
Transverse oscillations of a continuous system are easy to visualize because you can see
directly the function that describes the displacement. The mathematics of longitudinal oscillations
of a continuous linear space translation invariant system is the same. It must be,
because it is completely determined by the space translation invariance. But the physics is
In this chapter, we introduce two physical systems with longitudinal oscillations: massive
springs and organ pipes.
i. We describe the massive spring as the continuum limit of a system of masses connected
by massless springs and study its normal modes for various boundary conditions.
ii. We discuss in some detail the system of a mass at the end of a massive spring. When
the spring is “light,” this is an important example of physics with two different “scales.”
iii. We discuss the physics of sound waves in a tube, by analogy with the oscillations of
the massive spring. We also introduce the “Helmholtz” approximation for the lowest
mode of a bottle.
Longitudinal Modes in a Massive Spring
So far, in our extensive discussions of waves in systems of springs and blocks, we have
assumed that the only degrees of freedom are those associated with the motion of the blocks.
This is a reasonable assumption at low frequencies, when the blocks are very heavy compared
to the springs, because the blocks move so slowly that the springs have time to readjust and are
always nearly uniform.1 In this case, the dispersion relation for the longitudinal oscillations
of the blocks is just the dispersion relation for coupled pendulums, (5.35), in the limit in
which we ignore gravity, and keep only the coupling between the masses produced by the
spring constant, K. In other words, we take the limit of (5.35) as g=` ! 0. The result can be
written as
!2 =
sin2 ka
where Ka is the spring constant of the springs, m the mass of the blocks, and a the equilibrium
separation. We have put a subscript a on Ka because we will want to vary the spring
constant as we vary the separation between the blocks in the discussion below.
Now what happens when the blocks are absent, but the spring is massive? We can find
this out by considering the limit of (7.1) as a ! 0. In this limit, the massive blocks and the
massless spring melt into one another, so that the result looks like a uniform, massive spring.
In order to take the limit, however, we must understand what variables describe the massive
spring, and have a finite limit as a ! 0. One such variable is the linear mass density,
½L = lim
: (7.2)
We must take the masses of the blocks to zero as a ! 0 in order to keep ½L finite.
To understand what happens to Ka as a ! 0, consider what happens when you cut a
spring in half. When a spring is stretched, each half contributes half the displacement. But
the tension is uniform throughout the stretched spring. Thus the spring constant of half a
spring is twice as great as that of the full spring, because half the displacement gives the
same force. This relation is illustrated in figure 7.1. The spring in the center is unstretched.
The spring on top is stretched by x to the right. The bottom shows the same stretched spring,
still stretched by x, but now symmetrically. Comparing top and bottom, you can see that the
return force from stretching the spring by x is the same as from stretching half the spring by
The diagram in figure 7.1 is an example of the following result. In general, the spring
constant, Ka, depends not just on what the spring is made of, it depends on how long the
spring is. But the quantity Kaa, where a is the length of the spring, is actually independent
of a, for a spring made of uniform material. Thus we should take the limit a ! 0 holding
Kaa fixed.
This implies that the dispersion relation for the massive spring is
!2 = Kaa
k2; (7.3)
where we have used the Taylor series expansion of sin x, (1.58), and kept only the first term.
1We will say this much more formally below.
Figure 7.1: Half a spring has twice the spring constant.
According to the discussion above, we can rewrite this as
!2 = K`
k2 (7.4)
where ` is the length of the spring and K is the spring constant of the spring as a whole.
Note that in longitudinal oscillations in a continuous material in the x direction, the equilibrium
position, x, doesn’t actually describe the x position of the material. Because the
displacement is longitudinal, the actual x position of the point on the spring with equilibrium
position x is
x + Ã(x; t) ; (7.5)
where à is the displacement. You will need this to do problem (7.1).
7.1.1 Fixed Ends
. ........................................... . .................... . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Suppose that we have a massive spring with length ` and its ends fixed at x = 0 and x = `.
Then the displacement, Ã(x; t) must vanish at the ends,
Ã(0; t) = 0 ; Ã(`; t) = 0 : (7.6)
The modes of the system are the same as for any other space translation invariant system.
The linear combinations of the complex exponential modes of the infinite system that satisfy
(7.6) are
An(x) = sin n¼x
; (7.7)
with angular wave number
kn =
and frequency (from the dispersion relation, (7.4))
!n =
kn =
: (7.9)
However, because the oscillations are longitudinal, the modes look very different from the
transverse modes of the string that we studied in the previous chapter. The position of the
point on the string whose equilibrium position is x, in the nth normal mode, has the general
form (from (7.5))
x + ² sin n¼x
cos(!nt + Á) (7.10)
where ² and Á are the amplitude and phase of the oscillation.
The lowest 9 modes in (7.10) are animated in program 7-1. Compare these with the modes
animated in program 6-1. The mathematics is the same, but the physics is very different
because of (7.5). Stare at these two animations until you can visualize the relation between
the two. Then you will have understood (7.5).
7.1.2 Free Ends
. ........................................... . .................... . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Now let us look at the situation in which the end of the spring at x = 0 is fixed, but the end at
x = ` is free. The boundary conditions in this case are analogous to the normal modes of the
string with one fixed end. The displacement at x = 0 must vanish because the end is fixed.
Also, the derivative of the displacement at x = ` must vanish. You can see this by looking at
the continuous spring as the limit of discrete masses coupled by springs. As we saw in (5.43),
the last real mass must have the same displacement as the first “imaginary” mass,
Ã(`; t) = Ã(` + a; t) : (7.11)
Therefore, for the finite system with a free end at `, we have the relation
Ã(`; t) ¡ Ã(` + a; t)
= 0 for all a. (7.12)
In the limit that the distance between masses goes to zero, this becomes the condition that the
derivative of the displacement, Ã, with respect to x vanishes at x = `,
Ã(x; t)jx=` = 0 : (7.13)
Thus the boundary conditions on the displacement are the same as in (6.11) for the transverse
oscillation of a continuous string with x = 0 fixed and x = ` free,
Ã(0; t) = 0 ;
Ã(x; t)jx=` = 0 : (7.14)
This, in turn, implies that the normal modes are the same as for the transversely oscillating
string, (6.15),
An(x) = sin
(2n + 1)¼x
for n = 0 to 1: (7.15)
However, again because of (7.5), these modes look very different from those of the string.
The first nine are animated in program 7-2 (compare with program 6-2).

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